
Salmão à Escabeche, Patê de Atum, Patê de Ricota, Azeitonas, Pães, Torradas e Manteiga

(marinated salmon, tuna Pate, ricotta Pate, olives, assorted bread basket, toasted bread and butter)

Bolinho de Bacalhau (12 unid)

(deep fried Codfish and potato croquettes) (12 pieces)


Camarão Paulistinha

(deep fried Codfish and potato croquettes) (12 pieces)


Carpaccio de Polvo

Finas fatias de Polvo servidas com nosso molho a base de limão siciliano, azeite de oliva, alcaparras, molho ingles

(fine slices of octopus served with our special sauce based with sicilian lemon, olive oil, capers, worcester sauce and mustard)


Carpaccio de Salmão

Finas fatias de Salmão servidas com nosso molho a base de limão siciliano, azeite de oliva e Shoyo

(fine slices of salmon served with our special sauce based with sicilian lemon, olive oil and soy sauce)


Casquinha de Siri

(crabmeat cake served in a scollop shell and topped with a cheesy crust)


Isca de Peixe com Molho Tártaro

(fish fingers served with a tartar sauce)


Lulas à Vinagrete

(steamed calamari rings served with a tomato and onion vinagar salsa - "served cold")


Lulas Fritas

(fried calamari in batter served with tartar sauce)



(fried Manjubas)


Marisco à Vinagrete

(cooked mussels, served with a vinaigrette sauce)


Marisco Lambe Lambe

(sauted mussels cooked in a white wine sauce with tomato and onion)


Marisco Lambe Lambe com Arroz

(sauted mussels cooked in a tomato and onion sauce, served in withe rice)


Marisco Lambe Lambe a Provençal

(mussels cooked in a garlic, olive oil and parsley)


Marisco sem Casca

(steamed mussels (without shell) in a tomato and onion sauce)


Polvo a Vinagrete

(octopus served with a tomato, onion and vinagar sauce "served cold")

Salada de Palmito Natural

(natural palm heart salad)


Salada Mista

Alface, Tomate, Cebola, Azeitona, Ervilha

(mixed salad - lettuce, tomato, onion, Green olives and green peas)


Salada Juliana

Alface americana, Cenoura ralada, Palmito, Tomate Cereja, Batata Palha, Molho de Mostarda, Parmesão

(Juliana Salad - american lettuce, grated carrot, heart of palm, tomatoes, shoestring potatoes, mustard sauce, parmesan cheese)


Salada Juliana do Joca

Alface Americana, Cenoura, Palmito, Tomate Cereja, Batata Palha, Molho de Mostarda, Parmesão, Camarão Grelhado

(american lettuce, grated carrot, heart of palm, tomatoes, shoestring potatoes, mustard sauce, parmesan cheese and grilled shrimp )


Salada São Pedro

Alface Americana, Rúcula, Agrião, Palmito, Tomate Cereja, Croutons, Camarão à Provençal

(american lettuce, arugula, watercress, heart of palm, tomatoes, croutons and grilled shrimp provençal)

Camarão na Moranga

Camarão, Tomate, Cebola, Leite de Coco e Creme de Leite, gratinado, acompanha Arroz a Grega

(shrimp in a tomato, onion, coconut milk, creamy sauce, served in a large hollowed pumpkin toped with a crispy cheese crust and accompanied with greek rice)


Camarão à Hungara

Ao forno com Batatas, creme de leite e Páprica

(hungarian shrimp - oven baked with potatoes, in a creamy paprika spiced sauce)


Camarão à Saint Jacques

Empanado, recheado com Catupiry, Queijo e Banana a Milaneza, acompanha Arroz a Grega e Batata Palha

(shrimp stuffed with "catupiry"creamy cheese, battered and deep fried, accompanied with battered cheese and banana bits, served with greek rice and shoestring potatoes)


Camarão à Baiana

Ensopado com Tomate, Cebola, Molho Picante, acompanha Arroz Branco

(shrimp stewed in tomato, onion and a spicy hot sauce served with white rice)


Camarão à Bikini

Grelhado ao Alho e Óleo, acompanha Arroz Adriana - Arroz puxado na Manteiga com Alho e Salsinha

(grilled shrimp in garlic and olive oil, served with "adriana rice" - rice sauteed in butter with garlic and parsley)


Camarão ao Catupiry

Gratinado ao molho com Catupiry, acompanha Arroz Branco

(shrimp in a white sauce covered in a crispy catupiry cheese topping, served with white rice)


Camarão à Coronel

Sem Casca, Grelhado ao Alho e óleo, acompanha Batata Palha e Arroz a Grega

(shrimp, peeled, grilled with garlic and olive oil, served with shoestring potatoes and greek rice)


Camarão à Hungara

Ao forno com Batatas, creme de leite e Páprica

(hungarian shrimp - oven baked with potatoes, in a creamy paprika spiced sauce)


Camarão à Grega

Empanado, Mussarela, Batata Palha e Arroz à Grega

(breaded shrimp with mozzarella served with shoestring potatoes and with rice)


Camarão à Moda

Empanado, Batata Palha, Arroz à Grega e Banana Milanesa

(breaded shrimp sereved with shoestring potato, greek rice and breaded banana)


Camarão à Paulista

Frito na Casca ao Alho e Óleo, acompanha Batatas Fritasa

(shrimp fried in the shell with garlic and olive oil served with french fries)


Camarão à Thermidor

Molho branco com Alcaparras e Purê de Batatas, acompanha Arroz Branco

(shrimp sauteed in capers and a creamy white sauce, served with mashed potato and white rice


Camarão Africano

Grelhado aberto, acompanha Batatas Fritas

(shrimp sliced open and grilled, served with fries)


Moqueca de Camarão

Ensopado no Leite de Coco e Azeite de Dendê, acompanha Arroz Branco e farofa de Dendê

(shrimp soaked in coconut milk and dende oil, served with white rice and a dende oil manioc flour mix)


Strogonoff de Camarão

Puxado na Cebola, Flambado no Conhaque, Molho Rose, acompanha Arroz Branco

(shrimp Strogonoff - sauteed in onion and flamed with brandy in a creamy rose sauce served with white rice)

Risoto à Moda do Joca

Camarão, Tamarutaca, Lula, Marisco, Polvo e Molho Branco Gratinado

(joca's risotto - shrimp, crayfish/mantis shrimp, squid/calamare, mussels, octopus, white sauce, with a crispy cheese topping)


Risoto de Camarão

(shrimp risotto)


Risoto Misto

Camarão, Lula, Polvo, Marisco

(mixed seafood risotto - shrimp, squid/calamare, octopus, mussels)


Risoto de Camarão 7 barbas

(seven beards shrimp risotto)


Risoto de Palmito

(palm heart risotto)


Risoto de Polvo

(octopus risotto)


Risoto de Mariscos

(mussels risotto)


Risoto de Lulas

(squid/calamare risotto)


Camarão, Marisco, Polvo, Lula, Posta de Peixe, Arroz Branco e Pirão

(portuguese style fish stew - shrimp, mussels, octopus, calamare, fish steaks, served with white rice)


Lula à Baiana

Ensopada em molho picante acompanha Arroz Branco

(squid/calamare soaked in spicy sauce, served with white rice)


Lula a Provençal

Puxada na Manteiga, Vinho Branco e Alho, acompanha Arroz Branco

(fried squid/calamare in butter, white wine and garlic, served with white rice)


Lagosta ao Catupiry (Kg) - (lobster with cheese "catupiry")

Lagosta Gratinada no Molho Branco com Catupiry, acompanha Arroz Branco e purê de Batata

(lobster in a white sauce and gratinated with cheese, served with white rice and mashed potatoes)


Lagosta ao Thermidor

Gratinada ao Molho Branco com Mostarda, Alcaparras e Catchup

(lobster gratinated in a white sauce with mustard, capers and ketchup)


Prancha de Grelhados do Joca

Selecão de Grelhados do mar - Tamarutaca, Camarão, Polvo, Lula, Mexilão, Pescada Cambucu

(a selection of fresh grilled seafood including shrimp, calamari, octopus, white fish "cambucu", and mantis shrimp)


Polvo à Espanhola

Ensopado com Pimentão, Molho Picante e Batatas Cozidas,acompanha Arroz Branco

(spanish Octopus - Soaked in a spicy sauce with green bell pepper and boiled potatoes, served with white ric


Polvo à Provençal - (octopus provençal)

Na manteiga com Vinho Branco e Alho, acompanha Arroz Branco

(fried in butter with white wine and garlic, served with white rice)


Tamarutaca à Húngara

Ao forno com Batatas, Creme de Leite e Páprica

(hungarian style mantis shrimp - oven baked with potatoes, in a creamy paprika spiced sauce)


Tamarutaca Grelhada (Kg) - (mantis shrimp)

Grelhada na Manteiga com Alcaparras e Batata Sauté

(mantis shrimp grilled in butter with capers and sauteed potatoes)

Filet Mignon com Fritas e Arroz

(tenderloin steak, french fries and white rice)


Filet Frango com Fritas e Arroz

(chicken fillet, french fries and white rice)


Filet Peixe com Fritas e Arroz

(fish fillet, french fries and white rice)


Nuggets com Fritas e Arroz

(chicken nuggets, french fries and white rice)


Spaguetti ao Sugo com iscas de Filet Mignon

(spaghetti in a tomato sauce mixed with sliced tenderloin steak)

Espaguete com Frutos do Mar

(spaghetti in tomato sauce with shrimp, squid/calamare, mussels and octopus)


Espaguete ao Sugo

(spaghetti in tomato sauce)


Espaguete Triploburro (3 queijos)

(spaghetti with a three cheeses sauce)


Espaguete ao Vongole

(spaghetti with vongole sauce)


Capeletti de Vongole

(capeletti pasta mixed with Vongole - "small shellfish")


Raviolli São Pedro

Raviolli de abóbora recheado com Siri e Camarão

(pumpkin Ravioli, filled with shrimp and crab meat)


Linguini do Joca

Linguini Negro "feito com a tinta da Lula", em molho branco com Frutos do Mar

(black linguini pasta coloured with squid ink in a white mixed seafood sauce)

Substitua o macarrão de qualquer prato de massa, por macarrão

sem glúten. Consulte os atendentes sobre a disponibilidade do dia.

(choose to change the pasta from any dish for gluten free pasta, consult you waiter for daily availability)


Filet Mignon a Moda

Filet Mignon, Fritas, Legumes, Ovo Frito, acompanha Arroz Branco

(tenderloin steak, served with fries, steamed vegetables, fried egg and white rice)


Filet a Parmegiana

Filet Mignon empanado, com molho de tomate, gratinado com Mussarela, acompanha Arroz Branco e Fritas)

(tenderloin steak deep fired in batter and served in a tomato sauce, topped with grilled mozzarella cheese and served with white rice and fries)


Filet Mignon com Fritas (Acompanha Arroz)

(tenderloin steak served with french fries and white rice)


Strogonoff de Filet (Arroz, Batata Palha)

(tenderloin steak strogonoff, beef cubes sourted in a creamy strogonoff sauce served with rice and potato chips)

Frango ao Catupiry (Acompanha Arroz)

(chicken with cheese sauce gratinated with a crispy cheese topping and served with white rice)


Frango Grelhado (Batata Frita e Arroz)

(grilled chicken with french fries and white rice)


Strogonoff de Frango (Acompanha Arroz e Batata Palha)

(chicken strogonoff served with shoestring potatoes and white rice)

Porção de Arroz

(white rice)


Porção de Arroz a Grega (Cenoura, Uva Passa, Ervilha e Pimentão)

(Rice with carrot, raisins, bell pepper, peas)


Porção de Arroz a Adriana (Puxado na Manteiga com Alho e Salsinha)

(Rice sauteed in butter, with garlic and parsley)


Porção de Arroz com Brócolis

(White rice and broccoli)


Porção de Fritas

(French fries)



(Fish broth thickened with manioc flour)


Purê de Batatas

(Mashed potatoes)


Legumes (Cenoura, Batata, Palmito, Brocolis, Couve Flor)

(Vegetables - carrots, potatoes, heart of palm, broccoli, cauliflower)


Vinagrete do Joca (Cebola Picada, Pimenta)

Joca's Vinaigrette (chopped onion, pepper)


Vinagrete (Cebola, tomate, pimentão, azeite e vinagre)

vinaigrette (onion, tomato, green bell pepper, olive oil, vinegar and parsley)

Ostras (Dúzia)

oysters (dozen)


Ostras (1/2 Dúzia)

oysters (1/2 Dozen)

Filet de Peixe à Dorê com Fritas e arroz

(battered fish filet served with fries and white rice)


Filet de Peixe com Molho de Camarão Rosa

(grilled fish filet served with a pink shrimp sauce)


Filet de Peixe com Molho de Camarão (7 Barbas)

(grilled fish filet served with a shrimp sauce)


Filet de Peixe a Belle Meuniére

Grelhado com Molho de Champignon, Alcaparras, Camarões e batata Sauté

(grilled fish filet in a mushrooms capers and shrimp sauce served with sauteed potatoes)


Filet de Peixe com Risoto de Palmito

(grilled fish filet and palm heart risotto)


Filet de Abadejo à Húngara

Ao forno, com Batatas, Creme de Leite e Páprica

(oven baked with potatoes in a cream and paprika spiced sauce)


Filet de Peixe com Catupiry

Filé de Peixe Gratinado com Catupiry

(white fish filet coved in a thick creamy cheese sauce)


Filet de Peixe Grelhado ao Alho e Óleo

(grilled fish filet in garlic and olive oil, served with white rice)


Moqueca de Peixe

Peixe Ensopado no Leite de Coco e Azeite de Dendê, acompanha Arroz Branco e Pirão

(fish cooked in a coconut milk and dende oil based stew served with white rice and a thick manioc flour broth).


Peixe ao Forno

Grelhado, Levado ao Forno com Manteiga, Batatas cozidas, Molho de Alcaparras

(oven baked white fish - grilled in butter and served with boiled potatoes in a caper sauce).


Peixe à Iporanga

Ao Forno com Tomate, Cebola, Pimentão, Alecrim, Azeite e Vinho Branco

(oven baked white fish, grilled with tomato, onion, bell peppers served in a rosemary and olive oli white wine sauce)


Peixe à Brasileira

Peixe em posta, Ensopado com Molho de Camarão Rosa e Pirão, acompanha Arroz Branco

(white fish steak in a rose shrimp sauce served with white rice and a thick manioc flour broth).


Peixe à Moda

Peixe em posta ensopado com Frutos do Mar, acompanha Pirão e Arroz Branco

(white fish steak with a mixed seafood sauce served with white rice and a thick manioc flour broth).


Posta à Brasileira com Molho de Camarão
(7 Barbas)

(white fish steak served in a shrimp and tomato sauce - served with white rice and a thick manioc flour broth).


Salmão à Papillote do Joca

Levado ao forno, em envelope de papel alumínio, com Aspargos, Palmito, Vinho Branco, Suco de Laranja, Alho e Alecrim - acompanha Arroz a Grega

(baked in the oven, wrapped in aluminum foil with asparagus, palm hearts, white wine, orange juice, garlic and rosemary - served with greek style rice)

Heineken (355 ml)

Stella Artois (275 ml)

Sol Premium (330 ml)

Budweiser (343 ml)

Malzibier (355ml)

Xingu (355 ml)

Cerpa (350ml)

Liber (355ml) - sem alcool - (alcohol free beer)

Cleriquot - Espumante Rosé, Cherry Brandy, Club Soda e Frutas

(Rose sparkling wine, brandy, club soda and selected fruit)


Do Joca - Vinho tinto, Suco de Laranja, Suco de Limão, Frutas, Açucar,

Canela, Hortelã

(Red wine, orange juice, lemon juice, selected fruit, sugar, cinnamon and mint)


Aperol Spritz - Prosecco, Aperol, Agua com gás, fatias de laranja

(Sparkling wine, Aperol liqueur, sparkling water and sliced orange)

Água (Water - 310ml)

Água com gás (sparkling water - 310ml)

Refrigerantes (soft drinks - 355ml)

Refrigerantes Diet (diet & light soft drinks - 355ml)

H2O (soft drink - 500ml)

Sucos de Frutas (fruit juice - 300ml)

Suco de Tomate (tomato Juice - 300ml)

Schwepes Citrus (Soft drink - 350ml)

Schwepes Tonica (Tonic water - 350ml)

Cerveja Heineken (Heineken beer - 600ml)

Cerveja Bohemia (Bohemia beer - 600ml)

Cerveja Amstel (Amstel beer - 600ml)

Cerveja Original (Original beer - 600ml)

Caipirinha de Vodka Nacional (Smirnoff)

Caipirinha de Vodka Importada (Absolut)

Caipirinha de Sakê Importado (Sake)

Caipirinha Pinga Premium (Sagatiba - Nêga Fulô)

Caipirinha de Pinga (Velho Barreiro - 51)

Tequila José Cuervo (dose - shot)

Cognac Remy Martin VSOP (dose - shot)

Whisky Red Label (dose - shot)

Whisky Black Label (dose - shot)

Whisky Chivas - 18 anos - (dose - shot)

Calamares (Portugal) - 750ml - white & red & rose

Casal Garcia (Portugal) - 750ml - white & red

Concha y Toro (Chile) - 750ml - white & red

Frascatti San Marco (Italia) - 750ml - white

Lambrusco Cavicchioli Amabile (Italia) - 750ml - white & red & rose

Woodbridge Whithe Zinfandel (USA) - 750ml - rose

Woodbridge Sauvignon Blanc (USA) - 750ml - white

Santa Helena (Chile) - 750ml - white & red

Chandon Baby Brut - Brasil - 187ml

Chandon Baby Demi Sec - Brasil - 187ml

Chandon Baby Rose - Brasil - 187ml

Chandon Reserva Brut - Brasil - 750ml

Chandon Reserva Rose - Brasil - 750ml

Chandon Reserva Demi Sec - Brasil - 750ml

Perrier Jouet Blason Rose - 750ml

Perrier Jouet Gran Brut - 750ml

Veuve Cliquot Brut - 750ml

Veuve Cliquot Demi Sec - 750ml

Veuve Cliquot Rose Brut - 750ml






Grand Marnier


Banana Frita com Canela e Sorvete

(Fried banana served with cinnamon and vanilla ice cream)

Banana Frita com Canela

(Fried banana topped with cinnamon)

Creme de Papaya

(Papaya mousse served with vanilla ice cream)

Petit Gateau

(Melted chocolate muffin with ice cream)

Pudim de Leite (decorado com chantilly e cereja)

(Milk based pudding toped with whipped cream and cherries)

Torta de Maçã com Chantilly e Sorvete de Creme

(Apple pie with whipped cream and vanilla ice cream)


Limão Siciliano, Morango, Chocolate Italiano, Iogurte com Limão, Doce de Leite, Iogurte com Frutas Vermelhas, Menta com Chocolate, Vanilla com Chocolate, Gianduia, Chocolate Origem, Pistache Sicília, Coco Malásia.

(popsicles - sicilian lemon, strawberry, italian chocolate, lemon yogurt, milk caramel, yogurt with slices of red berries, chocolate mint, vanilla with chocolate, hazel nut, original chocolate, sicilian pistachio, malaysian coconut)



Vanilla, Chocolate e Morango

(Scooped ice cream - vanilla, chocolate and strawberry)



(1 bola, calda de chocolate, marshmallow, chantilly e farofa)

(one scoop of ice cream, chocolate syrup, marshmallow, whipped cream, peanut and chestnuts sprinkles)



(2 bolas, calda de chocolate, marshmallow, chantilly e farofa)

(two scoops of ice cream, chocolate syrup, marshmallow, whipped cream, peanut and chestnuts sprinkles

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